Budh Yantra
Budh Yantra
Mercury (Budh Yantra ) in Navagrahas is consider Sukumar and Yuvraj. This planet is a factor of intelligence and beauty and is call the planet of communication. The position of Mercury in the horoscope shows how you speak, how you behave, how your personality is and your intelligence operates. Those who have a good Mercury position in their horoscope increase their chances of getting business success. Those who have Mercury lord in their horoscope are those with a sharp mind and sharp thinking power. If Mercury is weak in a horoscope, then the person’s power to think and understand becomes weak and the mind starts to wander. In this way, worshipping Budh Yantra (Budh Yantra Benefits) brings happiness and peace to a person’s life.
If the students do not feel comfortable reading or writing, or if the mind is lost or memory power is not good, then by holding this Budh Yantra benefits in Hindi, the mind starts concentrating and studying – writing makes the mind feel good and the memory is good. It seems to happen. When so much is done, the student will undoubtedly pass the exam with good numbers. Those with weak minds must wear this Budh Yantra.
Astroeshop provides you with yantras, which are energize by the world’s best astrologer Acharya Indu Prakash Ji. Provided yantra gives you an immediate result and brings peace and happiness into your life. To discuss your problems, consult with the Acharya Indu Prakash Ji, who gives you appropriate advice, which can better change your life.